Saturday, July 16, 2011

Steal a Look: at Empowering Women Through Blogging


p r e s e n t

Hijab scarf and Fimela

photobooth by FIMELA inspired and get a spirit from this event, absolutely for us. It's about blogger. It's about write. Its's about fashion.
Start of something new with a smallest thing. Someday..a small thing could be a great thing that we didn't thought of before. 

"keep trying and keep blogging"


M.I.S.T :)


  1. Hello,

    I am a postgraduate student from Cardiff University doing a dissertation about the beauty behind the veil. More importantly, my journalistic based thesis will try to explore how beautiful and stylish the veiled women can be and how fashion can easily be companied with modesty. I was in Dubai in the Fashion Week on April and i spoke with many designers. Im interested on writing a feature about Hijab Bloggers. I have already interviewed couple of them around the world hence the hijab blogger of the Hijab Fashion week online. I would be happy if you can answer to simple questions and help my research in that case accordingly.

    and my second email
    Thank you once again,
    Evrydiki Katsoulaki

  2. oh yes, of course :)
    our pleasure to help you and share about the hijab fashion style.
    maybe you can send us an email to

  3. eiiii baru lihat post ini, i was there too! itu, itu, yg best question dgn gamis abu-abu dan jaket jeans, hehe... salam kenal yah! :D


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